A friend I have likes to drink coffee. I myself have never really got into it. I am awake in the morning and at night if I am tired i go to bed. If I have to stay up well then I try to drink soda or turn the lights on. Anyways she puts in this stuff called Equal and alot of it.
First off let me say my thoughts before I do some research. Im not saying coffee is bad for you but I think anything that taste like dirt might not be the best thing to put in your body. Ok some people like coffee but have they always or have they just acquired the taste? Then comes the Equal. I dont know what it is but I have always pictured it as fake sugar, a substitute for fatties. "I dont want to get fat so I take this fake stuff" Keep in mind I never researched sugar vs. equal. Or anything like that so all my knowledge is from my past 22 or 23 yrs living.
So this is what I do. I Googled Equal vs. sugar and found a discussion and upon skimming down and I see this ".....I LOVE Equal, I have been using it for like 10 years with the attitude....if I get cancer from it, at least I am skinny (I know that's sick and wrong) but now I don't like the taste of anything else, even sugar. Is it addicting?
~~Barbigirl "
Then I stumble sweeteners and found some cases that sweeteners have been used to kill ants.
Then I found the FDA has received well over 10,000 aspartame related complaints and here is the proof.
I also have read.......Jennifer conducted an experiment proving aspartame, the artificial sweetener in diet soda, breaks down into two deadly neurotoxins when stored at room temperature and under refrigeration.
After a few weeks diet soda turned out to have formaldehyde in them and other BAD stuff.
I cant stop my type from being bold.
Also that link has a few more experiments with rats and monkey in the middle.
Im not one to overdue research but it seems bad things happen with sweeteners just by looking up sites for 1 hour. Seems you can have medical problems with artificial sweeteners. Ill personally stay away from them as much as I can but this isnt a research paper. I just dont like fake stuff. I have never liked diet anything. Its like this. Do I go see the bands that write their own music or are fake. Do you want the big screen television from SONY or do you want the box of a big screen in a furniture store? Do you go out and buy fake lottery tickets or would you want a chance to win something?
Onto coffee after again researching for about 30 mins. Ive read coffee can help prevent Parkinson's. And everyone knows that we don't want Parkinson's. There wasn't that much bad with coffee but if you drink coffee a lot and quit you will have withdraw problems. I should pry research a little more about coffee but im not interested.
One funny story a man was writing a blog on how coffee was so good but then in the middle he completely changed subjects because he refilled his cup and forgot what he was writing and started writing about itunes. He then reread his blog and realized he had addiction to coffee, his body wanted coffee and between walking to his kitchen and refilling his glass and satisfied his urges and walking back to his compy he totally forgot what he was saying.
I told my friend I was working on a blog for her and she asked what was in it and I told her, her response was......"What am I supposed to drink?..... WATER!?!!!"
Ill leave that up to her.
equal - bad
artificial sweetener - bad
diet soda - bad
coffee - alright
addiction - bad
coffee/diet soda/90 packs of equal/one cup a day - highly awake suicide
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
8th grade
Here is a sample of 8th grade artwork used at its best. What better way than for a young artist to design his 50+ wrestling squad tshirt logo!?!@! All I had to do was clean up the image and tweak letters here and there and then you have the final product. Kids name was Morris never got to meet him.
I was told to make a tutorial on how to easily make a image into a vector with Corel. Im currently working on some identity logos and websites. Ill also have my website kela media up and running within the next few weeks after I finish my work for other customers first.
Listening to Chicago the past few days. $10 walmart.

Listening to Chicago the past few days. $10 walmart.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
happy to be sad
Many songs I have listened to that bring a dance to my feet or a smile to my face have turned out to lead me astray. Either the lyrics or the meaning behind the song have turn my happy song into upside down face. Take for instance Del Shannons - Runaway from listening and watching the older Shannon video you'd think this song is made for dancing or? not. Its lyrics are depressing and he is depressed but people continue to dance.....
Shows even a song I have heard a hundred times could still bring sadness when I thought originally brought joy.
hint hint - lullaby's - most are about death and just bad stuff i cant believe kids sing them and parents sing them to their babies.......
Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all
Shows even a song I have heard a hundred times could still bring sadness when I thought originally brought joy.
hint hint - lullaby's - most are about death and just bad stuff i cant believe kids sing them and parents sing them to their babies.......
Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all
Friday, February 1, 2008
my Corel and Me
So after much consideration about what my first blog will be about.... Myra came to me questioning my art like how could she attend college 71 years and not get what I do. Pretty much I take my drawings and put them on my computer and make them cooler. Its not that simple but it is. Ill explain.
I use a program called Corel Draw X3. I also us the Adobe stuff.... but lets limit this to just Corel today because 80% of my work is done in Corel.
Corel is like cheeze whiz.. its cooler and easy and cheaper than Adobe. BUT Adobe is the industry standard by default. I think because nobody thinks this...
1. The price......$429.00 for the WHOLE graphic suite. HEY guess what!! on looking up the price I just noticed my version of COREL just got dumped on with a NEWER X4. Released 23rd of January, 2008. but lets talk about the price for the new.....429...X4 ....you get this: PowerTRACE, PHOTO-PAINT, and CorelDRAW which is the illustrator. To get Adobe programs equal too X4 you'd need: Illustrator $599 Photoshop $649. Add it up.. wait ....
Ok so Corel cost less.....
When I think about Adobe vs. Corel. I first think of who has heard of Corel? From jr high all the way to 4 years out of high school Ive never heard the words COR and EL put together. Adobe Photoshop ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ADOBE PHOTOSHOP!!!!! everyone gets somehow. illegally or legally everyone I know who loves graphic design, loves photoshop. BUT I find its also a MAC vs. PC kind of thing. Corel Draw is only a WINDOWS program.
For the people reading this who automatically think Adobe programs rulz like meatwad with a spray can.... Just think of why you like Adobe programs. Then think of what is lacking from them? Corel offers the exact same capabilities as ADOBE.. plus alittle extra ease of use.
Onto myra...
Doing any art, logo, layout Id never make it up in the program itself. But for a art image I want I will draw the image on paper and then scan the image into my compy.
Then I would import the image into Corel Draw and TRACE the image into a VECTOR IM
AGE da da da..... A vector image is a objects that is defined by mathematical equations rather than pixels (pixels:like a bitmap/jpeg), so they always render at the highest quality. Tracing the object makes each color a object that can be adjusted without pixels or other objects attatched. I just sketched this image for this blog because all other images are on my MAC which is BROKE and currently being FIXED. As you seen in the picture below is a sketch of a drawing Ive done.

The image is a jpeg but after tracing the image I would get this.

I would then have to CLEAN UP the object then place the object and color the object and add stuff and then BAM rock you like a hurricane and get this.

In Corel Tracing a jpeg is a click away. Editing I believe is easier in Corel than in illustrator. I am not saying I wouldnt use ADOBE. I am advising everyone to go out and learn, USE everything to make things faster for you, make work easy, and more productive and have more time to do this. or this. and the worst game ever. I need Adobe programs just as much as Corel. Why? Not to have the programs but to make my art/work bet, better and bestest.
additional fact.
South Park characters, scenery, and props are drawn using CorelDRAW.
I use a program called Corel Draw X3. I also us the Adobe stuff.... but lets limit this to just Corel today because 80% of my work is done in Corel.
Corel is like cheeze whiz.. its cooler and easy and cheaper than Adobe. BUT Adobe is the industry standard by default. I think because nobody thinks this...
1. The price......$429.00 for the WHOLE graphic suite. HEY guess what!! on looking up the price I just noticed my version of COREL just got dumped on with a NEWER X4. Released 23rd of January, 2008. but lets talk about the price for the new.....429...X4 ....you get this: PowerTRACE, PHOTO-PAINT, and CorelDRAW which is the illustrator. To get Adobe programs equal too X4 you'd need: Illustrator $599 Photoshop $649. Add it up.. wait ....
Ok so Corel cost less.....
When I think about Adobe vs. Corel. I first think of who has heard of Corel? From jr high all the way to 4 years out of high school Ive never heard the words COR and EL put together. Adobe Photoshop ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ADOBE PHOTOSHOP!!!!! everyone gets somehow. illegally or legally everyone I know who loves graphic design, loves photoshop. BUT I find its also a MAC vs. PC kind of thing. Corel Draw is only a WINDOWS program.
For the people reading this who automatically think Adobe programs rulz like meatwad with a spray can.... Just think of why you like Adobe programs. Then think of what is lacking from them? Corel offers the exact same capabilities as ADOBE.. plus alittle extra ease of use.
Onto myra...
Doing any art, logo, layout Id never make it up in the program itself. But for a art image I want I will draw the image on paper and then scan the image into my compy.
Then I would import the image into Corel Draw and TRACE the image into a VECTOR IM

The image is a jpeg but after tracing the image I would get this.

I would then have to CLEAN UP the object then place the object and color the object and add stuff and then BAM rock you like a hurricane and get this.

In Corel Tracing a jpeg is a click away. Editing I believe is easier in Corel than in illustrator. I am not saying I wouldnt use ADOBE. I am advising everyone to go out and learn, USE everything to make things faster for you, make work easy, and more productive and have more time to do this. or this. and the worst game ever. I need Adobe programs just as much as Corel. Why? Not to have the programs but to make my art/work bet, better and bestest.
additional fact.
South Park characters, scenery, and props are drawn using CorelDRAW.
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