I re-copied into my hard drive some old music I still have and have been listening to often this winter. Here is a list. All four are amazing albums. AMAXING
Our school had a presentation from a amazing illustrator and guy last week. He also hit me in the eye with one of his illustrations he was throwing out for free. Here is his site. Hopefully someday Ill be as good as he is and take over the world by throwing out my illustrations. Only they will be illustration bombs and some people might not make it through the presentations I give.
team zissou and I spent our halloween printing, perfecting, and painting. One member is make-n copies! One member is cut-n paper. All members enjoy awesome. Everyone keeps perfecting their logos. Sometimes two ads are better than one. Dressed in uniform. No two people are not on fire.
Today my brother ran in the State 4x400 meter relay in Columbus. Trav ran amazing but as it turned out there was problems. I am proud of my brother. I never made it to state in anything. Here is some pictures.
Yesturday was my 5 year reunion. Me being the President of my class arranged the reunion and planned the reunion out.
At 2pm we all met at our old high school gym and planned with a 8 foot tall beach ball I got. Its simply a thing out of this planet. I could play with this all day.
Here is a small group photo.....
At 5pm we left for the legion to eat. Id say over 30 graduates showed up. It was a big success and I had a lot of fun. I was a little worried about the reunion but as it turned out there was no real big problems. Im glad I dont have to do our 10 yr. but it was nice setting this up and seeing everyone.
This past weekend I spent in Bryan, Ohio with my fiance Twiss.
Saturday consisted of a lot of work. I finished my wedding website which can be seen here and I planned the rest of our holiday weekend out. Sunday I planned finalizing the parakino website but I lost the travel drive where the finished files were on. Stupid me didnt save it to the compy. So I started re-editing that. Monday came around and I planned on just relaxing and not worrying about anything. So I grilled out. I decided to grill corn on the cob and steak and mushrooms. Here is some pictures.
Bowie and I have gotten very close.I pick up on the things meaningful to him such as Bowie Bones (dog snacks) or runs outside.Well yesterday was his first experience in a pond.I walked him on a leash up to the pond took the leash off and threw the 15 pound shit zu in the water.He immediately went under but soon rose to the top and swam back to the shore.
Meanwhile Tucker, Johns dog was fetching a bone.John would throw the bone in the pond Tucker would jump n and retrieve the bone back to John.Bowie picked up on the fetch game and he really likes fetch on the ground anyways.So Bowie ran around the pond hesitant on jumping in.About 4 or 5 throws Bowie finally jumped in hoping to beat the 45-pound Golden Retriever to the Bone.
Bowie swam swift but not swift enough.He still swam to the center.He was attracted to an object, which was a water purifier, and he thought that was the bone.Once he reached the purifier Bowie was a little tired and since it wasn’t the bone he tried desperately to climb the round white object.He couldn’t.So I yelled and clapped my hands worried that he would get so tired and the weight of his hair would take him under.He finally turned around and with terrible worriment I waited on him.He slowly swam to shore shaken and extremely wet.
God’s not only with me as I swim to save me if I go under but he is there paddling in front of me moving objects I cant get out of the way on my own.I sometimes realize just how big God is.I think of my love for Bowie and how great I love him.I wouldn’t be able to fathom Gods love when he sees me swim to shore.
I see many mistakes in ads or commercials. 95% of the population will never notice them. If you look at a design long enough your realize mistakes that need changed or cheats the designer used to complete the project. Here is cheat a designer us for umm 20th Century Fox:Now don't cheat and SCROLL down. Click this image up and look for the error(s).
Now for the answer:There you go, cloning. I believe the logo has changed and been updated. This is a old logo, I believe. I stumbled upon Fox's logo and thought it was extended for some reason. It wasn't. But anyways: LOST this week. Wow I am excited.
Been working on my graphic skills this week and last have two designs to show for it. Also still working on the websites but nothing finished yet. Looking forward to the weekend so I can get some work done.
Yesterday I failed to accomplish the task of getting a scholarship to SAA. After a few years of pull work for my portfolio I still was beat by some 17,18,19 yr olds. Sad really I thought I was pretty good.
I have been highly motivated this year. Ive made it a point this year to constantly keep my future in mind. With all that I really have not accomplished yet I will still continue to work to better my arts even if I did not get the scholarship. I will continue to come up with ideas. I have been doing many things and Ive noticed Id like to do too much at times....
Things I am currently working or have finished this year:
rogsports.com - editing again. fielyarts.com kates music logo parakino - soon to come!!! saa - soon to go there!!! proposal A Taste for Dinosaurs - children's book I will never leave you(temporary title) - motivational book music - 14 songs written music - learning piano!!!!!
A few years ago my father was part of my church's softball team. Great bunch of older and younger athletes playing other teams in the state church finals. Excitement filled the air as the games began and they all took the field. As the game progressed mistakes and errors were killing our team. Easy routine plays turned into runs and soon our team found themselves in the loser's bracket with their backs to the wall. Time after time the opponent was getting the breaks and our group of men continued to wonder what is going on! Everyone was having a bad weekend. No man was able to step up and take hold of the team and carry them out of the slump they were in.
Until a phone call came. Our church was ready to play, geared up and about to take the field when a phone call came. The other team stretched out and began running sprints to keep their energy flowing until a phone call came. Screams filled the air and the crowd and players looked to the man being held together by the opposing team. I sat on the bleachers on the far side of the field across from the opposing team as men huddled together around a man with terrifying cries. The man just got a call that his brother died in a car accident on the way to the ball field. Both teams gathered together and prayer filled the field of tears.
You see many times even if I could imagine my own will to change the circumstance it seems God has other plans. Those group of guys played horrible for the reason of being there for that man. Sometimes Ive been put into places only to see Gods work being done. Sometimes we miss the chance to save the game to only realize the more important work in life. They didn't bring home the trophy that year. Id rather hold hold my arm out and pray for that man than hold my arm out with a championship trophy anyway.
Some time ago I realized the power of healing. Over the weekend I was reminded of the Spiritual Gifts and more importantly the spiritual gift of Healing. When I was in high school a few days before a tournament basketball game my freshman year I came down with terrible pain in my foot. I could walk on my foot but as I would prepare to jump and stretch my foot out the pain would be overwhelming. I remember going into the emergency room with my mother on the Saturday before our game on Tuesday. As the Doctor inspected the X-Rays he noticed a small fracture in my foot but himself not being our family doctor and he couldn't say if this was 100% certain he had the images sent to another doctor to be inspected.
Sunday came along and I felt the urge to walk to the front of the church and ask for healing. I remember I normally would ask Ben or Franky to walk with me. Having the close relationship we did in high school it was just unspoken when one of us hurt the other was there for support no questions asked. As I knelt on the alter many other people came to pray for me. Our youth group at the time was expanding and growing and when youth girl or boy prayed at the alter all the youth seemed to fill the isles and fill the alter with prayers for the specific person.
This time I felt something. My foot began to feel heated. My foot began to tingle. Like as your leg or arm would fall asleep my foot began to do the same. As you may know for instance when your foot would fall asleep it would be in pain if you used it, if you stood on your foot and tried to walk. This was different. This was healing. I remember thinking "Oh my God" At the time not knowing what was happening I thought for certain it was asleep. But as the prayers stopped and as people walked away I stood and walked. The healing was not immediate. But by my game on Tuesday I played the game and we won. I remember being confronted by an assistant coach after the game and the gentleman asking if my foot had any pain. I said replied "no."
Ive been praying for God to direct me in my spiritual gift. I believe 100% someone that prayed for me that day had the power of healing. I continue to keep this in mind as I seek God's direction, someday Ill be talking to someone and my words that I speak may change their lives. I want that. I know God has put things in my life to direct me. But God has also taken away things in my life to direct me the same. As I continue to follow him, everyday brings joy to my heart knowing my life is in Gods hands. With loss I learn and with receiving I can praise. X-Rays were negative by the way.
This past weekend I was sponsored by my future wife to attend The Great Banquet. Neat-O. I agreed before hand because I thought it would be a good time to ask tris's father Stan Rowan to have her hand in marriage. But I am impatient as we all know. Anyways. After spending some time asking Tris about the Great Banquet and her only response being "You eat alot and listen to people talk" I just gave up and waited for the weekend to arrive. I thought for awhile about how in High School my youth would attend retreats or do fun activities and that would help my relationship with God progress forward. In between then and now Ive only attend Sunday's church services, Wednesday nights, and Cramers (pic on right) and all not consistently.
So lets start with arriving. I checked in got my rainbow name pin and stepped into my mattress-on-a-floor sleeping area. Name, yes Casey Spitnale.... Bed, yes there it is 7B. So I look for my bed. and there they are 5B, 6B,...... wait a second someone is 7B.... well... Yes there is 8B so this has to be 7B that some gentleman stole. Way to start a great weekend right? So I guess I set my bed up in 8B and hope I too do not spoil someones day by stealing their 3inch thick mattress.
We begin the Great Banquet with meeting in the sanctuary and as soon as we sit we are called by name out and applauded for attending the weekend and asked to leave the sanctuary then be directed through twists and turns and into a room with round tables. Not knowing anyone besides a spiritual leader (Stan) I was nervous but not too much. But Stan was the first to tell me "Don't anticipate, participate." I kept that in mind but also was told that over and over by our Table leader and others when I or another asked whats next.
We began by.... well first just know these things might not be in exact order and I may skip some events out but let say we began by designating Tables. I was instructed to sit at the James Table. With these men Gary, Keven, Kurt, Ron, and Andy. Eventually finding out that some of these men were not supposed to be in my Table and I was originally was not supposed to sit at the James Table at all but Ill get into that later.
Let get on with the weekend shall we?
Pray. Yes in silence. In a new place. With new people. Not hard at all. Wait.....your asking us to pray in silence from this Thursday night until Friday morning? Wait.... I remember the instance where I thought in my mind arriving into our dorms..... "7B that's my MATTRESS I am taking back whats mine!!!" And I Grabbed this guys blankets and luggage and whipped them across the room yelling "READ DIRECTIONS ITS MY BED!!!!" - but that was in my mind. Now that tables have turned 8B. That not my bed.... but that's where my blankets are... and I am not going to be able to explain myself when the mans mattress I stole was really for a reason. Pray. Yeah I prayed. I prayed not to have a mess of my stuff when I get to my dorm and upon arriving into the room, yes there it is, intact safe. With the relief off my chest I begin to get into bed but what that... 7B are you snoring? You just laid down man! How in the world can you be snoring already. I began this Great Banquet with a rough start. A night of sleeplessness, silence, and prayer.
Morning. In silence. Showering. In silence. Dressing. In silence. Its not hard, unless your doing it. I spent some time in the morning listening to people get ready and sit and read outside not being able to even say "Good Morning." So I prayed. I prayed just for speaking to be privileged back to me and for my weekend not to go totally down hill from the mattress situation. Eventually I could speak. And the weekend continued. Grace, Priorities, and Most of ALL Love My old pastor Jim Fry used to say, "ALL means ALL and that's ALL ALL means." Words I have taken and used whenever I come across the word ALL. We were sat in our Tables and prepared for 15 talks by 15 different men. After each talk we were to do a song, skit, or poster after our table discussion about the talk to show our meaning of the talk. Something I excelled at being a artist/designer. Which in turn help Table James to finish sooner with arts & crafts time than any other Table.
Discussing the talks after a few began to get easier, more personal, and sometimes just sometimes worthwhile. Eventually I even learned the names of all our Table members without looking at their pins. We began to bond during discussions and during breaks. Friendship and Brotherly love began to evolve in a matter of hours with God working through and on each of us. Kevin. I tell you what. Friday he was ready to leave. I was not expecting a good time either. We both stood outside alone. Sorta like prisoners we thought. Being let out for a period of time we did not know of. Didn't I mention that? No phones, watches, clocks or anything to tell the time. All were gone. So during the break we had we didn't know how long it would be but I learned about his family and his life a little. I could tell right away he was not interested in the Great Banquet.
Friday's talks started with explaining love and grace and how great it is really to accept our invitations to trust god and go through this Great Banquet not knowing anything of what its about and what goes on. This day was filled.
Saturday began soon enough. Throughout the day and including Friday we were told about the communities and people who were praying for us this weekend. It was overwhelming the 72 hour sign up sheet, the banners, the emails, and the letters from people we do not know praying for us. You think over and over about it and it touches your heart with love, agape love.
Saturday there were a lot of surprises that just got us all excited. Praising the Lord with our worship and music we all felt God presents through music, through the people around us, and through people on the outside. At the end of the day and after a discussion we were asked to walk as a Table and then file together to go to the sanctuary. Like prisoners again right? But were were lead down the hall our group being last. We heard signing from men and women in the sanctuary and that was different because the past two days first off there was no women here. The song I don't remember but it was the candlelight, the love, the people. It got to me, it got to all of us. This experience is a once in a lifetime service. As we went through it and finished I and others attending stood at the front of the church singing. Looking out to the candlelight as it disappeared. I felt the closest to heaven Ive ever felt at that moment. God Loves You. I don't know how much and I cant even describe it. I seemed to forgotten that over the years. I was reminded as I stood on stage singing to empty pews, singing to God. "Jesus, Jesus." Those are the only words I remember to that song.
That night ended in amazement. In excitement. Overwhelming.
Even if you know what is coming. You don't know until you have went through it. Maybe you will attend the Great Banquet someday. If you do. Yeah there is candlelight. I could describe to you word for word what I have done that night and you wouldn't still understand.
Sunday. It came. The day to leave. Right up to the point and after the talks you receive letters. Again, overwhelming. You don't understand what all leads up to this. You must know about the talks. You must understand the honesty, the dedication, the love men have put into their speeches and work into the Great Banquet. Everything ties together. One event singled out may be meaningless without the others. I attended the Great Banquet and received Love, not letters. I received Agape. Kevin received Christ, the man that wanted to leave. I walked hand in hand with others as we walked though Gods grace. Gods Love. I sweated. I didn't cry. My eyes just sweated alot. If you ever are invited to the Great Banquet I encourage you to go. There are excuses. There are things you'll have to postpone or cancel. But if you go. You'll be change.
I spoke at the end in front of the community. I don't remember what I said but the service I do after my 4th day is important to me now. I am not the same and not because Tris told me I wasn't the same talking. But I feel different. I talk different. I pray different. I never experienced something like this that could change you so much in 72 hours. I walk different knowing more of the Love from God than I have ever had. I look forward to talking with my friends more about this. If you want to work together or anything I am a busy guy but I will not make an excuse not to talk. Because after all what if I am the 15th. What if we both got this excitement together. God is love and I cant understand that. Ill never comprehend heaven. But on this earth I was the closest to heaven Ive felt and to think heaven is more than candlelight, that brings a overwhelming joy to my heart. I know Gods love more today, I don't understand, but its beautiful candlelight, its letters, its water, its music.
A friend I have likes to drink coffee. I myself have never really got into it. I am awake in the morning and at night if I am tired i go to bed. If I have to stay up well then I try to drink soda or turn the lights on. Anyways she puts in this stuff called Equal and alot of it.
First off let me say my thoughts before I do some research. Im not saying coffee is bad for you but I think anything that taste like dirt might not be the best thing to put in your body. Ok some people like coffee but have they always or have they just acquired the taste? Then comes the Equal. I dont know what it is but I have always pictured it as fake sugar, a substitute for fatties. "I dont want to get fat so I take this fake stuff" Keep in mind I never researched sugar vs. equal. Or anything like that so all my knowledge is from my past 22 or 23 yrs living.
So this is what I do. I Googled Equal vs. sugar and found a discussion and upon skimming down and I see this ".....I LOVE Equal, I have been using it for like 10 years with the attitude....if I get cancer from it, at least I am skinny (I know that's sick and wrong) but now I don't like the taste of anything else, even sugar. Is it addicting?
~~Barbigirl "
Then I stumble sweeteners and found some cases that sweeteners have been used to kill ants.
Then I found the FDA has received well over 10,000 aspartame related complaints and here is the proof.
I also have read.......Jennifer conducted an experiment proving aspartame, the artificial sweetener in diet soda, breaks down into two deadly neurotoxins when stored at room temperature and under refrigeration. After a few weeks diet soda turned out to have formaldehyde in them and other BAD stuff. I cant stop my type from being bold.
Also that link has a few more experiments with rats and monkey in the middle. Im not one to overdue research but it seems bad things happen with sweeteners just by looking up sites for 1 hour. Seems you can have medical problems with artificial sweeteners. Ill personally stay away from them as much as I can but this isnt a research paper. I just dont like fake stuff. I have never liked diet anything. Its like this. Do I go see the bands that write their own music or are fake. Do you want the big screen television from SONY or do you want the box of a big screen in a furniture store? Do you go out and buy fake lottery tickets or would you want a chance to win something?
Onto coffee after again researching for about 30 mins. Ive read coffee can help prevent Parkinson's. And everyone knows that we don't want Parkinson's. There wasn't that much bad with coffee but if you drink coffee a lot and quit you will have withdraw problems. I should pry research a little more about coffee but im not interested.
One funny story a man was writing a blog on how coffee was so good but then in the middle he completely changed subjects because he refilled his cup and forgot what he was writing and started writing about itunes. He then reread his blog and realized he had addiction to coffee, his body wanted coffee and between walking to his kitchen and refilling his glass and satisfied his urges and walking back to his compy he totally forgot what he was saying.
I told my friend I was working on a blog for her and she asked what was in it and I told her, her response was......"What am I supposed to drink?..... WATER!?!!!"
Ill leave that up to her.
equal - bad artificial sweetener - bad diet soda - bad coffee - alright addiction - bad coffee/diet soda/90 packs of equal/one cup a day - highly awake suicide
Here is a sample of 8th grade artwork used at its best. What better way than for a young artist to design his 50+ wrestling squad tshirt logo!?!@! All I had to do was clean up the image and tweak letters here and there and then you have the final product. Kids name was Morris never got to meet him.
I was told to make a tutorial on how to easily make a image into a vector with Corel. Im currently working on some identity logos and websites. Ill also have my website kela media up and running within the next few weeks after I finish my work for other customers first.
Listening to Chicago the past few days. $10 walmart.
Many songs I have listened to that bring a dance to my feet or a smile to my face have turned out to lead me astray. Either the lyrics or the meaning behind the song have turn my happy song into upside down face. Take for instanceDel Shannons - Runawayfrom listening and watching the older Shannon video you'd think this song is made for dancing or? not. Its lyrics are depressing and he is depressed but people continue to dance.....
Shows even a song I have heard a hundred times could still bring sadness when I thought originally brought joy.
hint hint - lullaby's - most are about death and just bad stuff i cant believe kids sing them and parents sing them to their babies.......
Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top When the wind blows, the cradle will rock When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall And down will come baby, cradle and all wow.
So after much consideration about what my first blog will be about.... Myra came to me questioning my art like how could she attend college 71 years and not get what I do. Pretty much I take my drawings and put them on my computer and make them cooler. Its not that simple but it is. Ill explain.
I use a program called Corel Draw X3. I also us the Adobe stuff.... but lets limit this to just Corel today because 80% of my work is done in Corel.
Corel is like cheeze whiz.. its cooler and easy and cheaper than Adobe. BUT Adobe is the industry standard by default. I think because nobody thinks this... 1. The price......$429.00 for the WHOLE graphic suite. HEY guess what!! on looking up the price I just noticed my version of COREL just got dumped on with a NEWER X4. Released23rd of January, 2008. but lets talk about the price for the new.....429...X4 ....you get this: PowerTRACE, PHOTO-PAINT, and CorelDRAW which is the illustrator. To get Adobe programs equal too X4 you'd need: Illustrator $599Photoshop $649. Add it up.. wait ....
Ok so Corel cost less.....
When I think about Adobe vs. Corel. I first think of who has heard of Corel? From jr high all the way to 4 years out of high school Ive never heard the words COR and EL put together. Adobe Photoshop ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ADOBE PHOTOSHOP!!!!! everyone gets somehow. illegally or legally everyone I know who loves graphic design, loves photoshop. BUT I find its also a MAC vs. PC kind of thing. Corel Draw is only a WINDOWS program.
For the people reading this who automatically think Adobe programs rulz like meatwad with a spray can.... Just think of why you like Adobe programs. Then think of what is lacking from them? Corel offers the exact same capabilities as ADOBE.. plus alittle extra ease of use.
Onto myra...
Doing any art, logo, layout Id never make it up in the program itself. But for a art image I want I will draw the image on paper and then scan the image into my compy.
Then I would import the image into Corel Draw and TRACE the image into a VECTOR IMAGE da da da..... A vector image is a objects that is defined by mathematical equations rather than pixels (pixels:like a bitmap/jpeg), so they always render at the highest quality. Tracing the object makes each color a object that can be adjusted without pixels or other objects attatched. I just sketched this image for this blog because all other images are on my MAC which is BROKE and currently being FIXED. As you seen in the picture below is a sketch of a drawing Ive done. The image is a jpeg but after tracing the image I would get this. I would then have to CLEAN UP the object then place the object and color the object and add stuff and then BAM rock you like a hurricane and get this.
In Corel Tracing a jpeg is a click away. Editing I believe is easier in Corel than in illustrator. I am not saying I wouldnt use ADOBE. I am advising everyone to go out and learn, USE everything to make things faster for you, make work easy, and more productive and have more time to do this. or this. and the worst game ever. I need Adobe programs just as much as Corel. Why? Not to have the programs but to make my art/work bet, better and bestest.
additional fact. South Park characters, scenery, and props are drawn using CorelDRAW.